The Joy of the Theatre!

Yesterday morning I stood in a queue with dozens of others, waiting to see if I could get any ‘rush’ tickets for that evening’s performance of King Kong.

I did, we went, I cried, it was wonderful.

Many years ago I went to see West Side Story at the Everyman Theatre in Cheltenham. I went ten times, partly because it was utterly magical and partly because I rather fancied the leading man. As it turned out, said leading man sadly preferred men to women, however on a positive note, I did learn all the words to every song. Happy days.

I’m a bit stuffy these days and rather preferred it when in the past we used to dress up to go to the theatre. Yes, I know, times change and bah-blasted-humbug I need to move with them. But still, despite a change in attire and the request for mobile phones to be switched off, nothing has remotely altered the pure magic of the theatre. The red plush velvet seats, the high ceilings, the glittery chandeliers, the excited chatter before the lights dim and the curtain rises … heaven! The applause, the standing ovations, the squeals of terror, the laughter … bliss!

In truth I also enjoy the cinema, but am too easily distracted by crisp packets being incessantly rustled, people getting up and down to go to the loo, the smell of tacos and hot dogs being eaten, the crunching, the slurping, the rustling, and finally having to wade my way through the spilt popcorn and half empty drinks littering the floors. Somehow it’s not quite the same, but, I grant you, a fraction of the price.

So I shall save my pennies and be prepared to stand once again on the steaming hot street corners of New York. Not to earn money for those of the more smutty mind, but in the hope of securing more cheap tickets to the theatre. Yes, a two hour slice of utter heaven without a crisp packet, carton of popcorn or slurpy drink to be seen or heard. Bliss.

Katie xx

P.s. Any recommendations for shows gratefully received, and apologies to any noisy popcorn eaters.

14 thoughts on “The Joy of the Theatre!”

  1. Like you I enjoyed getting dressed to go to the theater but life changes all the time and I suppose sitting for a few hours in comfortable attire is better than trying to keep up appearances.

    What no Ginger Nuts? Heaven forbid I think if dressing down is in order then the odd Ginger Nut could not go amiss.

    I remember going to the theater in London and friends from abroad came with us they had brought a box of chocolates oooo the looks they got from the people in the audience as they opened the box LOL.

    Enjoy your queuing new adventures to be found and enjoyed.

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    1. Ha! Now in truth I hadn’t thought about bringing ginger nuts in!! How clever you are! The only problem is that they’re so jolly crunchy that I think everyone would hear me … and of course, having no self-control whatsoever means that I’d have to finish the entire packet! Hope all is well with you today and you’re having a happy day 😘

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