Anxiety and Followers …

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Photo by Stokpic on

I try to be a good person. I try to think positive, happy thoughts and yet when I see some whipper-snapper of a teenager celebrating a little too keenly with the world of bloggers their 80,000 followers I don’t know whether I want to hit them, or myself, with a large shovel … repetitively.

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m delighted for them (truly, not said from between clenched teeth) and frankly if I had that many followers I’d probably be thanking my vast audience, my family, my agent, publisher and the lady who sells ice creams down the road with great gusto, but …. but … but … Ok, let’s face it, I’m jealous. My name is Katie and I am a jealous human being. Not an attractive trait I am fully aware, but honest? Yes. (Note to self: Just because you’re honest, it doesn’t make it less unattractive Katie.)

So why do we want followers, how do we actually get them and does it really matter anyway?

As with all social media there is something rather lovely, however ultimately addictive, about other people gushingly adoring us. It makes us feel good. Human nature.

And who are the real biggies of the social media out there? Quite easy really … Now forgive me but I’m not a great lover of the Kardashian’s, the TOWIE bunch, the Made in Chelsea lot or any of the wannabes who are plastered over every magazine. I don’t want or need to see their latest plastic surgery or their most recent tattoo on their perfectly liposucked buttock. And I certainly don’t want to see or hear about their sexual adventures with every other member of the group or their undignified divorce. There’s sharing, and there’s sharing. How about a little decorum, decency and leaving just a tiny bit to the imagination. It’s a lot more attractive. So moving away from that rant as I’m going slightly off piste and just sounding old and stuffy.

It might be that we are trying to get a book published and we therefore need a good following as it will make us more attractive to publishers. Understandable. If we are trying to get a business off the ground, understandable. A new career, understandable. Although if only half of those 80,000 followers commented, quite how one is supposed to read, let alone comment-on-the-comments, I have no idea. I have just shy of 600 followers and it takes me a while to respond even vaguely intelligently (of course including emojis as an intelligent reply), to the comments that I get. So how do they do it?

Perhaps the ‘blogger biggies’ have been doing this for years. Perhaps they started tap tap tapping away on their phones when they were still in nappies and I was, well I was probably too busy changing nappies to notice. They were ahead of the times. I was busy being a mother, wife, un-wife (yes it’s a new word), single parent, single working parent, unhinged single working parent, to even notice that the world had moved on.

In fairness, I have been blogging now for precisely six months. Six rather short months so yes, I will not-so-happily but freely admit that I need a little patience. It may well be a virtue, but I am fairly patiently-challenged without a doubt. So indeed, I need to work on that one.

I obviously need to read more from other bloggers, but I love the ones that I follow, they take a bit of time to read and comment on and once again, it’s a time thing. There’s only so much time in one day. But if the biggie bloggers can manage it, then maybe I need to work on that too.

Maybe I need to rethink my content. Maybe it’s … *hushed whisper* … shite! Oh God! I’m writing shite! Yup, that may well be. However, I’m a simple creature and I don’t think much therefore is going to change in that department.

But in truth, I do love writing my shite and golly it makes me feel good when my lovely, scrumptious followers who I now feel are my friends, comment back and we chatter about random nonsense. Oh yes, you make me happy. So if I had 80,000 would I honestly be able to chatter and natter with that many people. No, of course not!

So should I start posting extremely airbrushed photos of myself. Should I pout, preen and squeeze my elbows together in my best push-up bra whilst wearing my one and only pair of Jimmy Choos? Should I just borrow a couple of baby Chihuahuas and stick them down my front instead. Probably get a lot more likes that way.

But perhaps I have the answer.

I should pause, relax and enjoy the journey of my writing. It’s not a competition, some were in the starting blocks before I even began looking for my trainers. I genuinely like my regular followers, the ones that I know do actually read what I’ve written. There are a few whom I almost love. I love that they have become part of my life. And so yes, thank you, you lovely people. I shall try to be patient, try to write better, try to read more and comment more without letting everything else in my life slip by the wayside; after all, the Colonel does still need feeding and clean underpants daily. But most importantly, I shall breathe, calm myself and continue to enjoy this wonderful, liberating world of blogging.

Katie xx

Do you have 80,000 followers? If so, umm sorry about this post. Love you really, and umm not at all jealous.

Any suggestions? Thoughts? Rants?

93 thoughts on “Anxiety and Followers …”

  1. Jealousy is such a loaded word, but I’ll stick with it for ease! I agree with you and I’m a jealous person too, in that I see how many followers you have compared with my blog and absolutely there is a twinge of “why not me”. When you talked about how you’ve started writing a book, I felt a twinge of performance anxiety because that particular dream I share with you and here I see you doing something whilst I’m still procrastinating. As thrilled as I am at the idea of buying a whole book containing your amazing writing, it also – inevitably perhaps – highlights how I’ve still got that draft gathering dust. I think it boils down to insecurity and self doubt, just like I might feel a little less awesome at the beach when my ex-model friend turns up with those long legs and skinny little bottom. It’s probably natural and as human beings we want to be seen, acknowledged and validated. As long as it doesn’t turn us bitter and you don’t sound bitter at all, nor do I consider myself to be. 80k followers for those Instafamous dimwits? Well. A second to digest a whole entry which is promoting a new contouring kit and if they weren’t waving that around or pouting their filled-beyond-capacity lips, no one would care because there’s no substance. And here’s you – a very large (and growing) group of people who take the time to read through a post because it makes us think, laugh, learn something, etc…. But you know this or at least I hope you do. You’re an amazingly talented writer, you’re clearly a super smart lady, you’re so witty I often find myself giggling to myself when I read your blog (and YES, SOMETIMES I FEEL A LITTLE JEALOUS BECAUSE I WANT TO BE FUNNY TOO!!!) and you’re precisely the kinda gal we all want as a friend. Oh, and you’re beautiful in your photo too – FFS! 🙂 Anna xx

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    1. Awww … golly Anna, you’re bluddy marvellous for saying that, for being so kind. Thank you a hundred times. It’s funny though isn’t it, because you already have a draft, you’re way ahead of me and I would LOVE to be in that position! Im bashing down the green eyed monster as I type!! We can do this. Personally I’m far too insecure to have an ex-model as a friend! I’m glad that she must be a super duper lovely friend. You have ABSOLUTELY no reason to be jealous of ANYTHING to do with me … I’m awkward and geeky and daft as a brush with a slightly unhinged mind and an addiction to ginger nuts. And I used to be extremely spotty until last year when I paid a fabulous dermatologist a huge amount of money to sort me out. Oh, and my husband calls me ‘rangy’ short for orangutan because I had (I dyed it) strawberry blonde hair and very hairy arms. He also says I have feet like a crow which HE thinks is amusing. You, you gorgeous lassie, are lovely and beautiful and clever and together we will write! You’re my superstar! Katie xx

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    2. Yes, it takes a strong person to admit their jealousies and shortcomings. But we are all insecure in some area of our lives I guess. Wouldn’t it be funny to turn around and see all the people who we are jealous of, who are actually jealous of us? 🙂

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      1. Yes, and I as you say, we all have our little foibles. I find it quite therapeutic almost to be able to come out and say, “This is me and I’m really sorry, but I’m just not perfect, not perfect at all!” X

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  2. Totally totally get you on this Katie. I started blogging because I was trying to get a book published. I nearly nearly did…but not quite. And once I was over that disappointment and had to ask myself if blogging is enough, and I think I can say that yes, it is. I love that readers interact, and I love that it is a community. I did publish an academic book a couple of years ago, and it was quite a lonely experience. It was just me, as the author, on my own, worrying that the world might laugh at me. Blogging is way more fun. Of course it is nice to get more followers and it is human to compare ourselves, and sadly, feel inadequate. STOP!!! NOW! You are a wonderful entertaining writer, and I look forward to every post. I’ve noticed that numbers of views often does not equate to comments, and it is the conversations which are, as you say, lovely. You are not a Kardashian. You are way too nuanced and interesting.

    Liked by 6 people

    1. You’ve published an academic book! Wowza … you’re super clever! You’re right, blogging is fun with all the chatter and lovely people … have I asked you by the way if you’ve come across The Arty Plantsman? He’s like you .. genius with plants and lovely. Thanks so much for your input, you always speak sense and I love your blog … I couldn’t help but show my husband your pictures the other day – he’s no gardener but even he was impressed. 😀😘xx


  3. It’s ok to feel jealous, we feel what we feel, and accepting that means it will pass more quickly. I got my blog promoted on and in the last month I’ve gained 900 new followers. It’s impossible to keep up with everyone’s blog, but there are a few who I read all of their posts and we comment on each others blogs regularly (hi Ali — re comment above). I do reply to every comment (sometimes in depth, sometimes just a thankyou).

    Just keep writing for you. If your writing makes you happy that’s all that matters. Then having other people like your writing (which they clearly do) is a bonus. I’d rather have 1200 followers who like my blog, than 80,000 groupies who don’t really give a shit (which they don’t, they just want a false connection with fame).

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Yes, that makes a lot of sense … I get so much pleasure from writing and yes,that’s all that matters. I haven’t really looked at the ‘discover’ section yet .. I’ve so much to learn. It sounds like you’re roaring ahead and that makes me so pleased for you and even more grateful that you took the trouble to comment here. Thank you, really, thank you. Katie

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      1. My pleasure Katie. I’ve been here a year now, and am now starting to feel comfortable with the basics, and how I can build things up. Best wishes.

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      1. I still can’t get my head around why people like my blog, but apparently they do. It’s worth looking at discover.wordpress, as well as featuring blogs it gives lots of hints tips and guidance for building your blog.

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  4. I’ve felt this too and come to the same conclusion. If you’re meant to garner a following, then it will happen.

    Of course, you can do things to speed that up – but often these things seem very false to me; commenting on someone elses’ blog simply in the hope that they’ll follow yours. This is the kind of advice I see. By all means, comment if you’re interested and have something to say, but otherwise this seems not only transparent but also a waste of energy.

    Trying to live up to what ‘followers’ like or want is a dangerous road to be on. Happiness is much easier to maintain when you’re just doing it for you, and if others like it, that’s a great bonus! I think it’s totally normal to feel jealous of teenagers with a mass following. Reading about how kylie Jenner is a ‘self-made billionaire’ this week has caused mixed emotions to say the least lol. But I just think – are these people even happy? Are they even really honest in their blogs? When you get to a stage where you have 80,000 followers, do you/your writing even have anywhere near the same level of integrity that you had originally? It’s doable but much harder to maintain I think.

    You’re a great writer! Just keep doing what you’re doing! xx

    Liked by 6 people

    1. Thanks so much and yes I read about Kylie Jenner too! Incredible!! What do you even DO with the amount of money that she’s made?! And you’re right about the whole commenting thing. I think a lot of people do just do it in the hope that they’ll get a follow, like those who ‘like’ a post ten seconds after it’s been posted! Mine are often so long there’s no way they could possibly have read it. Amusing to say the least. Thanks so much for commenting, I just love all this chatter. It’s wonderful and makes the whole WordPress experience so utterly fabulous! 😘 Thank you.


      1. You’re welcome! And yep i know exactly what you mean. I guess some people are super speed readers lol?! Lovely WordPress banter. That’s the point right?! Actual genuine communication rather than pretending to like something you haven’t read? Seems like a waste of precious moments to me! Xx

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  5. BRB in Aussie morning as lots to respond on this and my eyes are closing …it was a huuugggee weekend. Definitely an all and no nothing weekend with my British friends here in Oz. Aka..lots of wine/little sleep xx

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      1. Oh it was even better than visitors, no work to do entertaining, but an escape on the train 3 hrs up the coast for my bi-annual get together with a group of women in their 40`s and 50`s all from the UK but living here. 3 Scottish, 1 Welsh, 1 Scouser and Me. So much fun. Back to your post. I do get what you mean and I only have a few followers, well 50 + in three months of blogging and I am so thankful for the friendships and connections I have made already ( including yours <3). But I do look at others and think 'Whhaaattt ! How on earth did you manage that?" Including yours..and I can see why , you write from the heart, it`s interesting, funny and regular. You have the perfect combo for blogging! When I started out I read some top tips to get followers and they were good but the point was always made that if you wanted to blog to get famous stop now, as it may happen but don`t strive for that. It is relatively rare and most common for those who got in early. But I did hear a tip from an author who has a huge blog on parenting with another Mum and it was only once they started a FB Page of the same name that the followers flooded in. Also it is less intimate with so many…I was reading Claire Pooleys blog the other day and went back to the beginning..she replied to most but then nothing now as she just won`t have the time. You might be able to answer me one thing the numbers say 52 followers, don`t those followers have to have a blog too? I know you can be followed on a webpage but maybe that is not in your total. I also see some have huge FB following but a fraction on their blog. Ok I am rambling now !! Hope this makes sense. I thought about a FB page of the same name and then panicked incase it went mental and I couldn`t cope. That sounds a bit big headed but hopefully you know what a mean. Phew..see I was too tired last night for this lengthy one ! H xx

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      2. And that’s what’s so lovely and so unexpected. The friendships. They’re worth their weight in gold aren’t they … like the ones you met up with at the weekend. (Sounds like you had an absolute hoot!!) x


  6. Firstly you’re my favourite writer on here. See previous Bryony Gordon related gushing. You’re witty yet humble; creative yet consistent. You have published author quality stamped over your product. I’m just hanging on to your coat tails in a blogging groupie stylee. The French trip is your debut memoir, I’m convinced of that. The followers will come. I have 6000 but it’s flipping hard work. Numbers does not equate to talent and you are scarily talented madam. Secondly er….there is no secondly as I’ve just discovered I covered it all in firstly.

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    1. Stephen, I read this earlier but didn’t respond because you made me cry. I blubbed with happiness which is an unusual thing to happen. The last time I did that was at the top of The Eiffel Tower. Hence, I wanted to have time to respond with a calm head on.
      Your praise and encouragement is all that I need and what pushes me on daily. I wouldn’t be working on the book if it wasn’t for you and the truth is that you are leagues above and ahead of me, so in actual fact I’m hanging on to your coat tails! Thank you my friend. We’ll both get there. Thank you. X

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  7. Love the honesty of this post! And yep im totally jealous of your follower numbers from just 6 months! I have great dreams for what I could make my blog one day when I have all the spare time in the world but really im just happy (and only a little jealous) with what I manage right now

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      1. Oh Katie thank you for the encouragement 🙂 And forget followers, check out all the comments on this post – you have built yourself an amazing community. That and your awesome, inspiring, funny content is enough for me a humble follower, but go ahead and dream big (if you wanna) – you can do whatever you put your mind to.

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  8. I’ve noticed that as my number of followers has gone up, the proportion that are actually reading/liking/commenting has gone down quite a lot. And I think if given the choice between tracking down baby chihuahuas to shove in my cleavage and managing clean underwear every day, I’m thinking I’ll go with the latter, no matter how tempting the former might seem.

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  9. Your content is so not shite! I love your sass and the way you write. I definitely do not want to see airbrushed photos or changes in your blog which aren’t authentic to yourself.

    80,000 is a very faraway number I can’t really comprehend. I mean, even a 1,000 seems quite large. I too have regular commentors and readers of my blog though I think most do not account for even half the number of my followers.

    My honest opinion is that there are a variety of reasons why someone follows you. I admit many a time I give the side eye to some new followers I get who appear to have zero affiliation to what I blog about. I had someone from a construction company blog follow me. Or the ones who follow me literally a minute after I uploaded a new post. However there are certainly those who follow you and are invested in reading what you have to say. Like me. ☺

    As for beating yourself up for not reading enough of other people’s blogs, don’t! It is veeeery hard to read through every single post a blogger has, unless the blog is extremely new with only 2 or 3 posts in total. For the ones you do read, give yourself a pat on the back for making time to engage and immerse yourself in someone else’s world. 😃

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Wise words of advice … you’re right of course. And yes, those who give us a like before they’ve possibly had enough time to read our post is ludicrous! I do love reading other posts, you’re right, it’s like taking a glimpse into somebody else’s world, peering through their curtains momentarily. Love it. Thanks so much for your support and advice. It is very gratefully received. Katie

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  10. Ha! Look at this comment thread so far and good luck! 😀
    1. Yes, you need to “start posting extremely airbrushed photos of myself….” etc. People are shallow and like pictures, especially of youth and side cleavage. Only for empty likes, though.
    2. The blogs with a few thousand followers do not read all the other blogs. They do a tricky thing of following, reading for a bit, sometimes even commenting, then dropping off. Most just follow and that’s it.
    The nice, thoughtful ones tap off a quick reply to all their comments -and admit to spending HOURS in such activity.
    3. I LOVE reading the writers I like. I ain’t got time for all those “blogs” that follow mine ’cause they’re really an Indian ad farm selling clickbait. Heck, I don’t even have time for the ones I like.
    I follow all the ones whom I enjoy reading, save the favorites for sending to my e-mail, and do occasionally go through my WP reader to check out a few posts when I have time.
    I unfollow the ones who never reciprocate.
    4. Keep at it, for the love of writing. For your love, and ours. The internet has plenty of horrible shite and needs more Katie.
    5. Send me your e-mail, will ya? Stephen’s assigned us letter-writing homework and I’d love to write you one. I promise, with five man-underpants-washings of my own, to not bog you or any other correspondent of mine down with letters. 🙂

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    1. So I think I’ll ditch the photo idea .. I’m a bit ‘long in the tooth’ for side cleavage and perky buttock pictures sadly. I think you’re right about some followers dropping off after a while having read just a few posts. I love reading yours … you’re far more interesting that me! Will send my email as I’d love to hear from you! I annoyingly can’t hand out my address because of husband’s work but emails would be super-lovely!! Yes please! Thanks very much for reading and commenting, it really is so very much appreciated. Kx

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  11. It’s hard sometimes. I see growing numbers around me, and I have to remind myself why I started writing in the first place. For God, and for others. Everything else I believe will happen in time. I strive to look at every reader and commenter as an individual and not a group, which is where I let the numbers do more talking than they should.

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  12. I have taught myself to ignore those numbers unless an actual notification arrives.

    You and I have approximately the same number of followers (I have been blogging regularly twice as long as you Katie). But I guarantee only ten percent of them visit and comment regularly.

    Sometimes people hit ‘follow’ because a single post catches their eye (maybe when I am wearing my push-up bra for instance) but then move on. I myself can’t possibly comment regularly on all the blogs I follow but there are some special friends ( I include you in this) who always amuse and engage me. These relationships are far more important than the numbers.

    Stick with it. We love you and your writing Katie. x

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  13. Just do you …. 6 months in you are averaging 100 new followers a month. That’s pretty damned impressive. And do what you do FOR you. Because it’s the integrity of the product that sells it, I think. All good things will follow because you have an engaged audience who love you. So there. Xx

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  14. This is quite a common feeling amongst bloggers Katie. It’s a hard slog at times and I’ve had to learn patience along the way. Years later and I’m still here and still writing but now it’s more for me and whoever decides to read my posts. I can’t force anyone and in reality it’s better to face a few engaged readers than those who flip in and out on a whim without any interaction. Keep going forward and enjoy yourself.

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  15. I think it’s also perspective because my own blog is also about six months old but I have far less followers than you xD so I’m like WHAT! haha. But I agree with the jealousy front, especially when they’re much younger. There’s a YouTuber I really like who’s livin’ the life, a life I would like, but she’s quite young. A few years younger than me, so it is easy to feel a bit down and even envious. It’s human nature! I’ve been working on it myself. I also read recently how we tend to be more jealous of friends and people we know rather than strangers. Not so much in cases with online personalities, since they’re strangers but they sell the perfect life, but yeah. I wonder why…

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    1. I wonder why that is … It should be the other way round with us cheering on our friends! I have an old school friend who has just published her first book (The Sober Diaries) and she’s now onto her next one … I feel so proud of her but it gave me such an almighty kick up the bottom as I realised that life was just passing me by. Of course I’m a bit green but she’s been to hell and back with alcohol addition and then cancer poor thing. She’s a tough lass though and able to laugh at herself and I think that helps. To be able to laugh at our imperfections. That’s probably why I’m always grinning like a madwoman!! But yup, I can totally see why we might be more jealous of a friend than just a stranger. It’s an excellent point. X

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      1. Aw I’m happy for your friend! That’s amazing! But yeah it’s the strangest thing that we get more jealous of a friend than stranger. If I come across what I read again, I’ll share the link with you 🙂 I really can’t remember where I read it anymore though haha it might have even been a podcast xD

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  16. I don’t even know how many followers I have. Probably 20. I just write to write. But I only have about 3-4 people who ever comment. I’m jealous of your comment number. We all have our issues.

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    1. Oh don’t be, I recently wrote a comment on a blogger who got rather cross with me! (Ok she completely slated me!) I had completely misunderstood her post despite having read it not just once but twice (!) and was genuinely worried about her! I sooo often get stuff wrong and do it badly. But isn’t it just wonderful that we’re all here together and we’re all learning together. You and me both! Kx


    2. Ah, Michelle, thanks for putting that into perspective. You ‘just write to write’. Well your humble comment has gained you another follower because I love finding people who have only a small number of readers. We all need encouragement don’t we?

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  17. Hi Katie, if you have gained just short of 600 followers in 6 months, that’s short of 100 per month, which is AMAZING!

    I think this is a simple case of ‘the grass is greener over there’ syndrome as there are probably far more bloggers with LESS followers than you for the short length of time you have been writing, than more.

    Plus, we all know deep down that the TRUE followers are the ones who actually read your posts and comment regularly.

    The blogger who has not only a ton of followers (about 40K) but regular readers aswell, is Caralyn from Beauty Beyond Bones. The average number of commenters for each of her posts is around 500 and many posts receive well over 800 comments. She answers them all. But she works very hard and actively promotes on what seems to be every social media platform going. (she may correct me if I am wrong).

    But for me, apart from regular, genuine, non-superficial interaction with other writers, the most important thing to me is to be able to stand at God’s feet at the end of time and say, “I didn’t waste my time writing nonsense. I did what you wanted me to do/told me to do. I did it in your strength, not mine. I did it to promote you, not myself (what use am I to anyone?) and to help others, not my own ego.” If I cannot say all that, then I’m wasting my time and may as well spend my precious minutes catching up on re-runs of Eastenders.

    So doing the right thing is more important than how many followers we can clock up. Whatever the right thing is for you, stick with it and stop looking at the pretty green field up yonder, as they are looking back at yours wishing they were you. I hope that helps 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes! You’re very kind and I shall stop peering over the fence to look at other peoples gardens and carry on watering my own! I’ve come across a Beauty Beyond Bones … she’s very good, very good indeed. And wow that’s a lot of comments!! Good on her. Thanks so much for your support and input, it’s that and the love of writing that really spurs me on. Katie x

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  18. Yes I get jealous too. I am stuck at the half a hundred midpoint and not moving. They buy followers, they have ghost writers, they have people who post and comment for them. Today I am goose and chicken babysitter as daddy away. It’s like WW2 the mess and fighting going on. So I haven’t had much time to comment, except on yours because these efficient, well groomed, big coffee-cup holding, small dog in arms bloggers get right up my nose!
    Yep I am normal and I know my blog is normal, so it’s not going to be hitting 80k hits just yet.

    Omg the geese are chewing my to go!

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  19. Once again, Katie, I feel like I could have written this post. I definitely don’t have 80k followers (heck, I don’t even have 80 followers), but I’m slogging along at a pace I can keep up with on top of a full time job, a husband, a 3 year old, depression battles, and hula class 1-2 times a week (when I can). I’m hoping people want to read what I’m putting out there, but I’m also trying to remind myself why I started this journey in the first place: to force myself to write more, because I really do love it.

    So, keep going! I love reading your stuff, even if it is in binges once a week or so.

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  20. 80 000. at some stage, I will get performance anxiety!
    See we are better off?! 🙂
    PS, battling depression here.
    Lying to myself that I am doing well, Immersing myself into my blog.
    Discovered morninga tea, with lemon and honey. Out with the anti-depressants, this concoction makes me sleep for EIGHT hours. Bugger 80k, Im happy with more sleep and less bags under my eyes. So get the tea ladies, have it hot , it works a charm.
    Kind regards,
    Sunshiny South Africa

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  21. Oh god! who needs 80,000? I have 3000 but only a fraction of them actually engage with me! I wish more did! I wonder what the rest of them are actually doing, if they read, or just hit follow but then never read a word I write? Who knows! I love those who do comment, though, they are all awesome! xo


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