Breaking the Ice …

toddler wearing purple sweatshirt
Photo by Achilles Demircan on

Yesterday I joined a wonderful class and being the first introductory meeting there were ‘housekeeping’ rules to discuss; where the loos and fire exits were, if a fire alarm was to go off to treat it as genuine as no practices were scheduled, no bad language allowed etc etc.

Two minutes in, the fire alarm goes off, the lady sitting next to me jumps up and exclaims, “Oh Fuck! It’s a fire!” clutches at her knickers, declares an ‘oops’ moment in her excitement and runs, semi crossed-legged out of the room. I’d say it was a pretty good icebreaker.

Katie xx

Ps. To reassure you, it was the toaster in the next door room that set it off! How we laughed! What made you laugh today or yesterday? X

12 thoughts on “Breaking the Ice …”

  1. Last thing that made me laugh out loud was this documentary we watched about female murderers in prison in the US. I know, but bear with me. One lady who claimed to be innocent pointed to how ridiculous it was to think she was the killer because “come on! There’s carpet in that room! How stupid do you think I am, that’d take forever to get out. I would never have shot him in there, I’m a woman!”. I thought that was pretty funny.

    What class is this? I’m trying to piece together why she might have clutched at her knickers and run cross-legged….. What WERE you doing? Life drawing class? Or she failed to hold back a fart in all the excitement?


    Liked by 2 people

  2. This post me laugh. Before this laughter, I was looking in the shop for a particular Christmas card for a friend. I did not see what I particularly wanted and that’s one with friend on the front, so just as I was feeling disappointed, I seen a humourous one and thought I’d buy that. I was still grinning as I left the shop.
    This card has three cartoon Brussels sprouts characters, singing “our finest gifts we bring… PA-RUM PUMP PUMP PUMP
    Inside card it says have a smelly Christmas and a Happy New Year.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Oh, I forgot about this morning’s evil cackle. It was a silly clip on Facebook where a very annoying person ends up having a chair thrown at them. I clearly laugh at bad things…..


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