Working From Home … Together?

So here we are, husband and wife, working from home in our apartment in New York. Well, when I say working, the Colonel is working and I am doing everything else whilst he peers at me over the screen of his laptop, giving suggestions as to how I should fill the dishwasher. Need I say that if this continues, there may be an imminent need for the funeral directors and it won’t be due to Coronavirus…

We can’t complain as we have a little bit of space here so it’s not too claustrophobic an apartment and the view is lovely, looking onto the Hudson with New Jersey beyond and of course the strangely quiet streets below. Not too exciting if plane spotting is your thing, or you like watching the cruise ships coming in, but lovely nonetheless and cabin-fever hasn’t set in yet.

Being cooped up here for too long without much exercise and a penchant for making the perfect chocolate pudding may mean that when we return to freedom I shall need an American version of Weight Watchers; but for now, I shall not worry. I’m eating better as the Colonel is around so I can’t skip lunch, (although he has now discovered how many cups of coffee I really drink), and am taking care of my mental health by cleaning like a demon … (yes, it works – doesn’t matter if it’s a room or just a drawer) … Not that I’ve got the urge to hide under the bed with a twin pack of biscuits, the cat and a bottle of wine, but years ago I had my moments like the best of us … And of course it’s very useful having one’s husband at home to explain slowly and deliberately that yes, my phone will behave badly if I have 124 tabs open at any given time.

So the apartment is beyond clean; it’s been hoovered, mopped, dusted and disinfected and while the smell of Lemon Lysol is lingering heavily in the air, I’m not entirely sure whether I like citrus very much after all. Perhaps buying it wholesale at Costco was not such a good idea; we have six month’s worth at least, but I’m assuming we won’t be here that long … will we?

Katie x

54 thoughts on “Working From Home … Together?”

  1. I can so come along side you with this. I moved in with a retired man who thought he needed to guide me along on all household chores (even though I have brought up a family of four single handedly!). I eventually got him to join the Buxton tennis club and he broke his ankle in four places on the first week and has beenback at home ever since giving me insturctions!!! Thought are with you x

    Liked by 3 people

      1. I’m behind too! It’s certainly lots of fun although at the moment of course it’s like very quiet with nobody going out … the food shops and chemists are open though. Bit chilly as it’s been snowing today – all very strange!

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  2. Hey Katie. Great hearing from you😊. I’ve been hearing that theme a lot with couples being home together 24×7🤪. I’m fortunate I just live with my 3 dogs and as long as I feed them twice a day they don’t give me much grief. Cleaning the house does bring a calmness to me. I guess it’s something I can do and have control over my environment. Hang in there my friend❤️

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    1. So lovely to hear from you! Isn’t it funny how cleaning does that … it’s extraordinary. I was told about it a few years ago by a woman who said it helped enormously with her post natal depression. Like you, I find it very calming, almost therapeutic. But most importantly, how are you? Do hope you’re well and your dogs too … sending very best wishes. Katie ❤️

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  3. Katie!! I’ve been stuck in a deep, dark despair for a very long time, hence my absence from this place. But I’ve emerged blinking in the light of a new dawn and feeling stronger of the psyche than ever and, ironically, given the acutely fearful time we are living in, feeling extremely positive. Mostly. Cut me some slack, I know you will given your own experience of the beast in black welded on the back. Anyway. I am beyond happy to find you here. I have read several of your posts this morning to catch myself up on where you are. And I’m heartened that seemingly you are mostly rid of Betty. Here’s the crazy thing. I’m in Boston (or more accurately a few miles west of the city in what we catchily call MetroWest Massachusetts). So I can wave at you down the coast and send very positive energy your way and just be so grateful to be alive and kicking and feeling fully able to interact with your brilliance again. I haven’t commented on any of your other posts but just want to say – book clubs …. not 5th Ave here but rather intellectual, mostly lesbians and frightfully good at whipping up a spritz little spread to accompany our monthly meetings. It’s a learning curve and a half being this side of the pond. Far more challenging than moving to France ever was. Chow for now and I am so looking forward to jogging along with you again. Or Bicycling, maybe? Xx

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    1. I’m so happy to hear from you! I’m sorry you’ve been down, really … how horrid for you. I can see that you’ve come out from the dark place and that makes me happy for you. Having not been on here much of late I’ve been very remiss in keeping up with everything going on. How awful of me … I’m so glad you’re feeling stronger and look forward to catching up with you … I must check your posts. Can’t believe you’re close to Boston! I’m waving at you! 👋👋👋 So very happy to hear from you – keep smiling and stay safe! Kxxx

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      1. For heavens sakes don’t check before the close of today. I’m literally just about to attempt to write something!!! It’s snowing here – how bonkers is the weather over here?? xx

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      2. Ha!! I did just have a look, but couldn’t see anything from you of late, so I shall have to exercise some patience! I look forward to hearing from you! Yup, snowing here too!! Extraordinary! Xx

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    1. Oh it’s lovely to hear from you! You’re right, I’ve been immersed in getting used to a new city in a very different country to home. This seems to have taken precedence over writing of late. The book is slow, so darn slow – editing and rewriting takes forever and I never seem to be able to make it as perfect as I’d like. Frustrating, but I’m getting there. But enough of that, how are you?? I must have a read of your posts and get up to date. I hope you’re keeping safe and healthy? We’re able to go out to get food and the chemists are all open. Pretty much everything else is closed. The streets in Manhattan are ghost-like … deserted with very few cars. I went out to Costco which is all wholesale shopping about ten days ago and it was chaos … couldn’t move a trolley up or down half of the aisles as the queues were so long. It took an hour and a quarter from the start of the queue to the till, but I see from the pictures in the news that it’s similar in the U.K.?? How’re you getting on? Are you able to get everything you need?


      1. We’re being locked down more each day or two. We’ve been advised to stay at home unless for essential work, to get essential supplies (food and medicine) and one excursion a day on foot either alone or with those we live with, for exercise. All non-essential shops are now closed, but of course everything is available online almost the same as usual. Strange times, but hopefully these extreme measures will minimise those contracting the virus. Keep calm and carry on, you know the British way!

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      2. Aren’t these extraordinary times … keep safe and glad you’re surviving! I’ve just heard that here in NY we have 20,000 cases but perhaps that’s because they’re testing more here than anywhere else …


  4. Katie!!!! When I read you, I can hear and see you – it’s impossible not to and I miss you! I’ve missed your posts so my heart took a happy leap seeing this. Glad you are keeping well. We are on lockdown too but Boris has OK’d exercise so I go running and walking – went for a run last night and this morning walked around the park which is a 10K loop. Glorious in the early spring sunshine and people are observing the advice and giving each other space so hopefully we can keep it this way. We are cooped up too, but no murderous tendencies yet… 😂🙌❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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    1. Sooo lovely to hear from you!! Sorry, have been busy adjusting to a very new way of life and all the changes (and frustrations!) that moving can bring. I must catch up on your posts and find out properly how you are … but am glad to hear that you can do your running (10K ?? Crikey girl!! I’m impressed!). Keep safe and look forward to reading your news xxxxx

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  5. Hi, Katie—
    I stopped by to thank you for “following” my blog (in quotes because I dislike the term; we bloggers are a far more independent lot than that implies) and to welcome you to annieasksyou. But it took the reading of only a few of your posts to convince me to join you as well. So here’s to some fun/interesting exchanges. (I’m all over the place in terms of what I focus on—totally undisciplined.)
    I’m glad you’ve banished Betty. May we all manage to stay mentally and physically fit in these surreal times.

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    1. Hi Annie – That’s wonderful! This is what I love about blogging, we get to meet such a varied and interesting group of people. I too am rather all over the place in terms of my focus. It started as something to help me on my ‘journey’ (sorry I don’t like the word!) about depression, then moved onto cycling and my trip through France but by then I was so much better (in part because of the cycling) and now … well I’m not sure … a bit about my move to New York and a bit about nonsense mostly! Anyway, I’m thrilled to ‘meet’ you and thank you for following! Katie


      1. Am fine thank you Katie. Also trying to work from home but without the laboratory there is little I can do. Very glad to have the garden. It must be tough where you are at the moment! Take care😍 x

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  6. I can relate to the constant cleaning. I think my nostrils have a permanent smell of bleach and disinfectant! I hope this crisis ends soon.

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    1. Yes, my hands are worse than when I was a gardener … all that washing has dried them out! Although, over years I’ve kept all those funny little samples of moisturisers and serums that you get free … finally I’m using them up!! But I’m with you on the smell of bleach!

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      1. I completely understand. I have these little bottles of moisturisers strewn across my desk that I seldom used but now they have taken the prime importance!

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  7. Hi, haven’t caught up for ages. I think everyone is cleaning and cooking like mad. We are really unaffected. On our 2 hectare dessert island in rural France it’s much the same routine…chicken poop, goose bites, duck tantrums and dog and cat cuddles. Tony and me have worked together since 2011, so we are used to being joined at the hip! Hope your ok. Stay safe x

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    1. Awww that’s so lovely to hear! I must catch up on your “chicken poop, goose bites, duck tantrums and dog and cat cuddles” posts!! Yes, I think rather a lot of us would like to come and move in with you right now and have some fresh air and space! We’re also quite happy being cooped up together … he puts up with my food and general chattering about nonsense, and I put up with him beating me at our endless games of scrabble. Take care and stay safe. X


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